BHPF 2023
About BHPF 2023
The 6th Biomedical HIV Prevention Forum (BHPF) will be held in Zimbabwe on 3rd December as an official pre conference of ICASA themed "Unlocking the Power of Choice in HIV Prevention." The forum will be held as a hybrid event, allowing participants to join both in-person and virtually. It will bring together advocates, civil society representatives, researchers, government officials from the Ministries of Health and Finance, and front-line providers.
The BHPF aims to explore and discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in biomedical HIV prevention, while emphasizing the importance of choice and its transformative impact on HIV prevention efforts.
The BHPF aims to explore and discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in biomedical HIV prevention, while emphasizing the importance of choice and its transformative impact on HIV prevention efforts.
“Unlocking the Power of Choice in HIV Prevention”
- Update stakeholders on current biomedical HIV prevention research; and the status of the field (HIV prevention pipeline)
- Develop a collective biomedical HIV prevention research agenda that can fast-track access in Africa.
- Mobilizes scientific knowledge and builds bridges between science and policy.
- Mapping potential for collaboration between national and regional activities within the AfNHi network and Sharing best practices and lessons learned to inform policy and program implementation
- Strengthen connections between policy and research through information exchange with HIV prevention advocates.
Thematic Areas to be covered
The Science:
To share the HIV prevention research pipeline in biomedical HIV prevention.
To share the HIV prevention research pipeline in biomedical HIV prevention.
Investments and funding for choice:
Highlight the importance of DRM for health and HIV research in Africa.
Highlight the importance of DRM for health and HIV research in Africa.
Choice Agenda
Introduce and emphasize the concept of the choice agenda in HIV prevention.
Introduce and emphasize the concept of the choice agenda in HIV prevention.
Strengthen African-led advocacy and research efforts in biomedical HIV prevention
Strengthen African-led advocacy and research efforts in biomedical HIV prevention
To attend BHPF, please pre-register below. Choose the option that best suits you: We look forward to your active participation.
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Mini BHPF events
Four (4) countries, Côte d'Ivoire, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Rwanda will receive technical and financial support to hold a mini Forum at country level on BHPF. The mini BHPFs will bring together a diverse range of participants, including government officials, civil society representatives, researchers, healthcare providers, and affected communities.
Expected Outcomes
BHPF is a catalyst for strengthening advocacy for biomedical HIV prevention research in Africa. Discussions and recommendations shall be synthesized into an outcome report and blogs which will be disseminated to partners, funders, advocates and other stakeholders for advocacy.