AfNHi is a partner of the BHPF forum, the forum is held every 2 years as a pre-conference of the International Conference on AIDS and STI’s in Africa (ICASA). Biomedical HIV Prevention forum (BHPF) provides a unique platform where advocates come together to learn from each other about the newest science and the best practices in HIV prevention. The forum creates a space to share different perspectives, experiences and opportunities to make new connections and build networks that will make actors and players in the HIV prevention field even more effective in the efforts to stop the spread of HIV infection in Africa. The BHPF forums begun in 2013 and have continued to date every other year, see summary below and the links for detailed reports.
Focus of the BHPF is on promoting synergy between HIV prevention science and program, maximizing the impact of HIV prevention on incidence, access to care and health equity. Accelerating the diffusion of best and promising HIV prevention practices, policies and research and also forging new connections across the full range of HIV prevention and care providers, researchers, policy makers, advocates, and people living with and affected by HIV.
The forum featured four sessions with 15 speakers. Topics discussed ranged from population specific discussions (adolescents, women, key populations) to updates on biomedical HIV prevention research, PrEP access, combination prevention and sexual and, reproductive health and rights.